The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, November 21, 1917

Owing to all the teams in the National League being engaged in cup games next Sunday, Bethlehem Steel will be without a game, but a practice game will be held at Bethlehem Steel field. This game will serve the double purpose of keeping the players in condition and giving the management a line on the ability of several players who will be new to their respective positions at least as far as playing for Bethlehem is concerned.

Easton has not recovered from an injured received in the New York game, and will be rested on Saturday.

"Bebe" Roth, first baseman for the Bethlehem Steel baseball team, is improving rapidly in goal and will be given his first opportunity on Saturday in the practice game.

Captain Pepper is in great form at present and is probably the most tireless worker on the Bethlehem team.

The following will probably be the lineup for Saturday's game.

A Team -- Duncan, Todd, Wilson, Whitson, Ratican, Kirkpatrick, McKelvey, Pepper, McGreevey, Hardy and Fleming.

B Team -- Roth, Fletcher, Ferguson, Murray, Campbell, Morrison, Murphy, Butler, Casey, Forrest and Chadwick.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club