The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, November 21, 1918
When The Soccer Whistle Blows

The soccer game with the Merchant Shipbuilding team here on Saturday afternoon will center all attention in soccer circles to this city, many contending that the strong combination of the shipbuilding will be able to lower the colors of the Bethlehem F. C.

The Steel Workers believe that this is the hardest contest so far on their schedule and if able to conquer the brawny shipbuilders will feel as though sailing will be somewhat easier for the locals during the remainder of the season. The Merchants proved their mettle last Saturday when they conquered the best players selected in the shipyard league and with this victory safely tucked away will come here confident of stopping the champions. The Bethlehem style of play is well known to the Bristolites and along these lines the team is being worked in practice this week. Todd, a former Bethlehem player, how after taking part in two games at the beginning of last season, left here will probably appear at fullback for the visitors.

Manager Sheridan is grooming the champions for the contest and announced last night that Bethlehem will be strengthened by the complete recover of Pepper, Fleming and Kirkpatrick. Harry Ratican, who on account of illness was unable to play against the Canadians last Sunday, it is hoped will be sufficiently recovered to take his regular place. Since the new working orders went into effect the players are able to get out on the field no later than 4 o'clock each afternoon and every minute until darkness, is consumed in practice.

The game on Saturday will start promptly at 2:30 o'clock and will be the second round in the National Cup competition. This will be the first time these teams have ever met. Both are in the National League, but have not yet met in the league series.

The invitation to tackle the pick of Toronto at Toronto, Canada, has been accepted by the steel Workers and they will journey into Canadian territory on Nov. 30. This will be a return game between the pair, their meeting last Sunday at Harrison, N. J., resulting in a victory for Bethlehem after one of the hardest games of the season. The coming game will be played under the auspices of the Sportsmen's Patriotic Association, of Toronto, and the proceeds will be donated to the Toronto War Fund. As this is the first time that the National champions have played in Canada, it is likely that the game will draw an immense crowd. Therefore, it will be a case of English and Scotch methods up against the Canadian style of dribbling. Practically every player on the Toronto team was taught soccer in Canada.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club