The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Wednesday, November 22, 1916
Soccer Notes

On Saturday, the Bethlehem Steel team and the New York Rapid Transit will clash on the new athletic field, in the first meeting of these two clubs. The New Yorkers are considered one of the best teams in the New York State league.

MacDonald, of the local club, was a former member of the New York Rapid Transit team and was secured from that club by the Steelworkers early last season.

The visitors are all employees of the Interborough Rapid Transit Co., and have a fine gym with splendid training facilities.

The locals have three hard games scheduled, all on the new athletic field:

Saturday, November 25, New York Rapid Transit Co.

Saturday, December 2, New Bedford, Mass., champion of New England states.

Saturday, December 9, Disston, Tacony, second round American Cup.

St. Louis, Chicago and other western cities are still dickering with the local champions in regards to the Steelworkers playing out west around Christmas and New Year holidays. Final arrangements are expected to be completed this week.

On Thanksgiving day, the Steel Co. team will play the Babcock and Wilcox club a return game at Bayonne, N. J.

Automobiles will be allowed in the new athletic field on and after Saturday, November 25, as a parking space has been provided for that purpose.

The grandstand is rapidly nearing completion and plans are now underway to close in the east and west ends with glass partitions to protect the spectators.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club