The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Thursday, November 22, 1917
Soccer Notes

The Bethlehem Steel soccer team will play a practice game on Saturday on the new Athletic Field, and a game that will compare favorably with many league games is certain to be witnessed. All the players realize that no position is secure and only by displaying real merit can any one hope to be in the lineup of the regular team. Competition for positions on the team has never been so keen as it is at present, a condition that is particularly gratifying to the management. Therefore Saturday's game ought to furnish a much needed opportunity to compare the players under conditions equal to all.

Two former Bethlehem stars, Bob Scaife and Johnny Galbraith, assisted the Allentown Soccer team to defeat the Usaacs last Saturday. Scaife in goal was in good form and Galbraith demonstrated that his right foot still has a kick behind it when he scored the winning goal.

At present it looks as if the Pan American-Bethlehem Steel American Cup game scheduled for Thanksgiving Day at Bethlehem will not take place. The Pan American management claiming that the expense of the trip would be too much for them at this time. However a big effort is being made to have them reconsider their decision.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club