The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 20, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Bethlehem's To Feature Phillies Soccer Card
Of the number of important soccer matches schedule in Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon, none commands the importance of the Bethlehem F. C. vs. Philadelphia F. C., American Cup competition which will be played in the Phillies' ball park. Since the Phillies made such a good showing against Bethlehem in that city a few days ago the Quaker fans have an idea that they have at least an even chance of entering the next round of the American Cup competition. Several cripples are included in the Phillies' ranks and it is believed that if they are ready to assume their posts at the opening whistle on Saturday afternoon, the clan should be a great deal stronger than was the case the last time the Steel Workers sported their colors in the city of Brotherly Love. The game referred to was the Armistice Day attraction which Bethlehem, favored with a penalty kick, won by the score of the lone goal. The Phillies, however, have proven consistent losers this season. Therefore a victory over the powerful Bethlehem machine would not only give the Phillies more prestige for their looming matches, but it would also help renew the confidence that was placed in the club prior to the opening of the season. With this in mind the Bethlehems can expect the Quaker delegation to devote their greatest energy in hopes of remaining in the American League competition.

A Chance of a Lifetime
To the Phillies rested the opportunity of crippling the Bethlehems in two of the most coveted competitions competed in this country. The American Cup and last but by far not least the National Cup competition. While interest naturally is paramount in the league campaigning due to the fact that one defeat does not eliminate, it is nevertheless the cup competitions that carry them the greatest importance. There is no chance to retrieve once a game is lost for with defeat comes complete elimination and every club wants to be present for the closing rounds when not only is their victory heralded as the greatest soccer accomplishment of the season, but the coffers of the club treasurers also benefit materially. The Bethlehems are to pit their skill against the Phillies two consecutive weekends with the scene of battle alternating to grounds. On Saturday it will be the American Cup competition on the Phillies' grounds and then the following week, the Quakers will display their wares before a Bethlehem audience in a National Cup competition. We'll say the Phillies would gain great prestige and hop up among the foremost soccer teams in the country with a dual victory.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club