Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Friday, November 22, 1929
Torrid Battle Forecast When Players Vie for Honors in League Club

A star in sandlot soccer last season and making his first major league bid for fame this year, opportunity comes to Jose Rebello, a Portuguese, when he dons the blue and white of the Bethlehem soccer team on Saturday afternoon in the Atlantic Coast League game against the clever and league-leading Fall River eleven.

Rebello will play in the position forced vacated by the injury to Bill Allan, left fullback, and will be paired off with a veteran and clever opponent in Gibson. When opportunity came his way the sturdy Portuguese readily accepted the chance, realizing that on his showing in such an important game probably rests his future.

Rebello first attracted attention as a player of great potentialities on the local sandlots last season when he cavorted in the left back position for the strong and successful Portugal team of the Lehigh Valley League.

Fall River invades Bethlehem with probably the greatest aggregation of celebrities ever presented on the local field and the torrid battle sure to ensued will be one in which Bethlehem luminaries will view for individual honors.

Since the last invasion of the Marksmen, which was more than a year ago, the personnel of the team has undergone some drastic changes. Former popular favorites and stars vacated for new men to strengthen the club and in recruiting the forces the Marks brothers succeeded in their efforts.

From goal to the forward line the team is represented in every position by a player who has gained great renown before and since affiliating with the league-leading New Englanders. Reder, a young goalie, replaced such an expert custodian as Harper and others, and is conceded one of the best in the business.

The backs comprising McGill and R. McAuley comprise probably the strongest defensive duo in big league soccer . Their effectiveness is most impressively reflected by the single goal scored against the team in the last three league games.

McPherson, Caldwell and Doyle are a trio of formidable backs, fast, clever and thoroughly versed in the game. While defensive strength is paramount great offensive strength also lies in the forward line. McNabb, one of the best right wing forwards in the game, is a constant source of terror to the opposing defense and is well teamed up with Gonsalves, a Portuguese, who is also a product of the sandlots of the district. On the right side the invaders will have J. McAuley and "Too" White, the latter a former great Scottish player who joined the Marksmen with an excellent reputation which he has lived up to. The center forward job is well taken care of by Pattenaude, a player who will make his first visit to Bethlehem and, although a newcomer to the ranks of the more familiarly known big league players, comes here with the reputation of not only being a find but undoubtedly the greatest goal-shooting forward in the country.

The Bethlehem forward line at this time is not definitely decided and may not be selected until shortly before the kickoff which is scheduled for 2:30 o'clock. If any way possible, Archie Stark and Johnny Jaap will b e put into shape to start in their regular positions. If treatment to injuries fails the forward line is due for some changes. If Stark is unable to play, Alec Dick will take his position while Johnny Henighen will be injected at inside right in the event that Jaap is unable to respond to the opening whistle. Following is the probable lineup:

Bethlehem -- Fall River
Fraser -- G -- Reder
Gibson -- RFB -- McGill
Rebello -- LFB -- R. McAuley
Reid -- RHB -- McPherson
Carnihan -- CHB -- Caldwell
McGregor -- LHB -- Davie
Gillespie -- OR -- McNabb
Jaap or Henighen -- IR -- Gonsalves
Stark or Dick -- CF - -Pattenaude
Massie -- IL -- J. McAuley
Purgavie -- OL -- White

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club