The National Challenge Cup committee of the United States of America Football Association decided at a meeting held on Saturday night at the Broadway Central Hotel, New York City that in future all cup matches should start at 2:30.
Several protests were heard, the most important being the awarding of the game to the Bricklayers and Masons’ F. C. of Chicago against the Hyde Park Blues on account of the latter having the field, asserting that the light was not sufficient to finish the game contrary to the opinion of the referee.
The draw for the second round of the National Cup competition announced officially by William Palmer, Philadelphia, the Eastern representative on the committee, is as follows, all games to be played on the grounds of the first-named club:
Eastern Pennsylvania and District: Bethlehems of Bethlehem, Pa., vs. Peabody, of Philadelphia.
Victors, of Philadelphia, vs. West Philadelphia.
West Hudson, of Harrison, N. J., vs. Falls Cricket and Football Club, at Newark, N. J.