The New York Rapid Transit team, rated as one of the best in the New York State league, will clash with Bethlehem Steel Co. eleven tomorrow on the new athletic field. The game will start at 3 p.m. with James Walders, Philadelphia, handling the whistle. It will be the first appearance of the visitors in Bethlehem and a big crowd is expected to be on hand.
The local team will be forced to make several changes in the lineup tomorrow. Pepper will go to center, MacDonald taking Pepper's place at inside right. Butler will be back in his old position at inside left and Chadwick will partner with him at outside left.
Special arrangements have been made to have the results of the Lehigh-Lafayette and other leading games announced every quarter.
Word has been received from the New York management that eighteen players, accompanied by several officials will leave New York early Saturday morning. They expect to put their strongest team on the field against Bethlehem. The team will not be selected until shortly before the game.
The Bethlehem Steel team will line up as follows: Duncan, Fletcher, Ferguson, Murray, Campbell, Morrison, McKelvey, MacDonald, Pepper, Butler and Chadwick. Linesman -- Fleming.