Bethlehem Steel will play Merchants' ship in the second round of the National Cup at Harriman, on Thanksgiving Day, and the men are training hard for what is sure to be one of the hardest rounds of the cup. Merchants is a hard team to defeat on their own grounds and they are sure to make a strenuous effort to defeat the champions, but Bethlehem is fully aware of the danger to their crown and the players are expected to rise to the occasion as they have often done in the past games when the opposition looked formidable.
Bethlehem will have another hard game on Saturday when the team meets Disston A. A. in the third round of the American Cup at Disston.
The first home game on the Steel Workers' schedule is with Paterson F. C., the game to be played on December 6. This will also be the initial appearance of the home team in the National League and soccer fans are eagerly anticipating the champions' home debut. No better opposition could be furnished than the consistent Paterson club.
The Bethlehem lineup will not be selected until shortly before the game with Merchants and physical condition and experience will be a big factor in determining who will wear the Blue and White.
Bethlehem has had a strenuous time garnering the honors in past seasons, but this season looks like being the hardest one of all. The opposition is keener and with every team in the country striving hard to dethrone the champions from their pedestal, nothing but pure grit and ability to meet the challengers on any field will land the championships. Every fan who has the interest at heart will get out to Bethlehem Steel Field and encourage the players to one more championship.