The Globe – Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 26, 1918
When The Soccer Whistle Blows
By Sita Dell

On two more occasions this year, both games in the National League will the merchant A team, of Bristol, and the Bethlehem Steel Workers meet. One game is to be played in Bethlehem and the other on the Shipbuilder’s lot at Bristol. The wonderful exhibition staged in the extra period victory for the Steel Workers last Saturday will blaze these contest forth as the coming classic events in Soccerdom. The game on Saturday will live long in the memory of the spectators who witnessed it and it is probable that it will be a long time before another contest of such grueling nature is witnessed. The Shipbuilders were trained to beat Bethlehem and although they failed to accomplish this feat, every player on the championship aggregation know he went through one of the hardest games of his career. No more strenuous game has ever taken place in Bethlehem and the Steel Workers are satisfied that they emerged victorious. The Bristolites played a brilliant dashing game from start to finish and their condition at the end showed that they were trained to the minute: Harry Pearce, second baseman for the Philadelphia Nationals, was a sensation. With the same accurate ability applied heading off speeding grounders which accounted for his rise to the major baseball leagues, did he perform in heading off the volley of shots that were fired at him in front of the net. He gave a great exhibition in taking care of the goal and in addition there was not a weak spot on the entire team.

Jimmy Easton, who played center forward for Bethlehem, was badly injured in the first minute of play and will probably be out of the game for the next few weeks. He showed exceptional grit when he refused to leave the field and played right through to the finish.

Several of the Bethlehem players were off color on Saturday and a reversal of form will be necessary if they are to retain their positions on the team.

Special training will be the order for the three days in preparation for the Canadian game next Saturday at Toronto, and only men who are in good physical condition will make the trip.

The Canadian team has been greatly strengthened for Saturday’s game and the Steel Workers can expect great opposition next Saturday than they did at Newark.

Harry Ratican is rapidly recovering from his illness and will probably be seen at center forward against the Canadians.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club