The Globe -- Bethlehem
November 27, 1923
Bethlehem Steel Will Stalk Up Against Philadelphia F. C. In Cup Tie

With football at an end for the 1923 season, interest in outdoor sports activities will now center exclusively on soccer and local fans are sure to get their fill of this thrilling sport in Bethlehem from now on until the season ends in early spring.

Represented by one of the strongest teams in the country and one that with the few preliminary games played seems headed for national honors, Bethlehem fans should feel rightly proud of the strong aggregation who are sporting the colors of the Steel City.

No time is to be lost in resuming the home season with a bang, for on Saturday afternoon on the Steel field the Bethlehems go to the post in one of the most important games of the year. The game is a national cup tie affair, the third round, by the way, in which the Philadelphia F. C. will be opponents.

Although Bethlehem has twice defeated the Phillies, once in an American League game by the margin of a penalty kick, and in another game eliminated the Phillies in the American Cup competition, their triumphs were by no means a walkover, and found a stiff and stubborn resistance from the Quakers.

The Phillies have adopted a style of cup play for all their games, a style of the kicking and rushing variety, which is very appealing to the fans, and is instrumental in providing the many thrills. In spite of these determined efforts, however, the Bethlehems have rode home to victory on two occasions and are determined to frustrate elimination in the National Cup tie here on Saturday.

Capt. Carnihan, the big, black-haired center halfback, who was out with injuries, is expected to be back at his post. However, should he continue to be indisposed, the Bethlehems uncovered another star for the position in that fellow McGregor, who has looked mighty sweet to the critics in the last two games played by the Bethlehems.

In selecting the team for the Saturday tilt, the task is usually delayed until late in the week, or to be more explicit, after the big scrimmage session, which is held every Thursday afternoon. However, it is only on one or two positions that a change hinges for the combination in recent games has worked with such uniform success that all the popular celebrities are certain of their berths. That versatile and effective pair of backs, the Ferguson brothers, Davy and "Jock," are sizing up as a pair of most brilliant defensive players in the country and it is doubtful if any other team can boast of a pair of backs their equal. The forward line, with the Jacksons, Granger, Goldie, Turner or their thorough understanding in forward movements seems to be well Maxwell is proving invincible and nigh perfected. The forwards are not an often scoring crowd, but usually a goal or two is needed, they can be counted upon to come through.

Attention is called to the fact that the kickoff on Saturday will be promptly at 2:15 o'clock. This early start is arranged to allow for an extra period should, at the end of the regulation sessions, the teams be locked in a draw. Cup games must be completed, if possible, and an additional half hour is provided to play off the toe.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club