Steel Workers Headed to Repeat Honors
It's not so many years ago that the Bethlehem F. C. proved invincible in merit and garnered about every title available. That, the critics will tell you was at a time when rival teams were far inferior and before soccer took the hold that it now enjoys on the sport loving public. In recent years the success attending the campaigning of the Steel Workers was not as pronounced simply because merit was more equally distributed and the strength of the rival contenders developed to a more equal basis. This year, however, it looks as though the Bethlehems have hit their old time stride and are destined to retrieve some of the honors shared by other clubs. Of course, the National Cup competition is the most coveted of all with probably the American Cup competition coming next and then last but not least the American Soccer League fight. And Bethlehem is high up in the running in all three of these competitions. In the American League race the Bethlehems are tied with Fall River and New York F. C. for first place with ten points each; in the American Cup competition Bethlehem qualified for the third round by defeating the Philadelphia F. C. and in the National Cup tie the home players are about ready to enter the semi-finals and will probably advance one peg further when the Philadelphia F. C. come here for a National Cup tie game on Saturday afternoon. While the Phillies have fallen victims to the prowess of the Bethlehem F. C. in league and cup game to date, the victory has at no time been that pronounced as to make the battle a one-sided affair. It will be recalled that in the Armistice Day league game played in Philadelphia, the margin of Bethlehem's victory was a lone goal and that resulted from a penalty kick. Then again in the American Cup tie played in Philadelphia on Saturday afternoon the Phillies tallied first, holding a one goal advantage to the end of the first half but in the final stanza were overcome and nosed out by a score of 2 goals to 1. This Philly bunch, reinforced as it will be on Saturday with several new players, should be this time be fairly familiar with the style of Bethlehem players and in position to make even a better showing than previously in the important cup battle that will be waged on Steel Field on Saturday afternoon.
Anent That Brooklyn Team
When Brooklyn entered the American Soccer League race this season the team took its position in the club standing with scarcely a murmur heard relative to its chances as contenders in the race. Since then , however, this Brooklyn bunch has proven quite formidable and today are lamped with much concern as one of the strongest contenders in the league race. Bethlehem first had a taste of the Brooklynites' strength when in the opening game the Greater New Yorkers held the Steel Workers to a draw. Critics began to sit up and take notice and then when later the Brooklyn team invaded the lair of the league leading Fall River aggregation and was the first team to hold Fall River to a draw the Wanderers as they are called, attracted the attention of the soccer world. Bethlehem, after a hard tilt managed to down the New Yorkers in a battle staged on Steel Field yesterday afternoon but this last weekend the Brooklyns added another brilliant achievement to laurels already attained by defeating J & P Coats with its speedy and sure shooting of Tommy Fleming, by the score of 3 to 2. Yes sir, it looks like there will be some mighty interesting doings before the honors are distributed at the close of the season.