The Globe - South Bethlehem
Friday, November 28, 1913 - Front Page
Fleming, Garvey and Lance Score All Goals For Home Team - Peacock Returns to Game and Shows Up Well - In Good Shape for Tomorrow's Big Battle.

In a first division Allied League contest on East End field yesterday, the Bethlehem Soccer team defeated the Peabody Field Club of Philadelphia, 5 goals to 1, in the presence of a crowd of fully 1100 fans. Within a few minutes after the opening of the game, it was seen that the local team had things its own way, as it seemed to be able to score at will.

However, the team discarded its offensive tactics after the first fifteen minutes and went on the defense so as to get into shape for the big game with West Philadelphia tomorrow.

Absence of individual stars yesterday and in all other games show that the local boys play as a part of a machine and not for self aggrandizement. The machine's effect shows in the teams scoring ability.

Lynch, Peabody's inside right, on a breakaway and by a fine effort netted that team's only score, Love, partly clearing. The first half ended with a three to one score.

The line-up:

Bethlehem - Peabody
Love - goal -- R. Hanna
McKelvey -- R.F.B. -- Watson
Peacock -- L.F.B. -- Grady
Leonard -- R.H.B. -- Colston
Stewart -- C.H.B. -- W. Hanna
Lawler -- L.H.B. -- Leslie
Garvey -- O.R. -- Evans
Lewis -- C.F. -- Lynch
Lance -- C.F. -- Marley
Donaghy -- I.L. -- Jacovelli
Fleming -- O.L. -- Meadows
Goals: Garvey, 2; Lance 1, Fleming 2; Lynch 1. Referee, W.A. Mayne, Philadelphia. Linesmen J. Lawler, Bethlehem, J. Cannon, Philadelphia. Time of halves, 40 minutes.

The pride of West Philadelphia will invade the Bethlehems tomorrow and as it is considered to be the strongest aggregation in that city a splendid exhibition of this game should be the result. That no chances are to be taken by the local team is shown by the fact that Morrison and Galbraith will be in the line-up, with Garvey as substitute. These are the only changes to be made.

The game tomorrow will start at 2 p.m.

Soccer Shots.
Bethlehem's goals came in so fast at the beginning of the game that one enthusiastic fan began yelling: "Make it a hundred, Bethlehem!"

Fleming did a sword dance over the ball several times, to the great amusement of the crowd; his antics bewildered the visitors.

Peabody was hopelessly outclassed. Bethlehems after securing three goals allowed the Philadelphians to keep the ball in the home tam's territory most of the time in order to work up defensive tactics for Saturday's game.

Peacock after a month's layoff because of an injured knee, resumed play yesterday. He showed up strong. He possesses a kick much like t hat of a Missouri mule.

Garvey looms up as a healthy substitute: two goals in one day is first team stuff.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club