The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Tuesday, November 28, 1916
Soccer Notes

Business manager Trend announced this morning that the Bethlehem Steel company athletic committee has decided to send the Steel company soccer team, champion of America, 1915-16, on a western tour during the Christmas holidays. Final arrangements were completed yesterday with the Missouri Football Association for two games in St. Louis on December 24 and 25 with two of the leading clubs of that city. The Illinois football association also booked the Steelworkers for a game at Chicago on Saturday, December 23. The Bethlehem team may stop off at Pittsburgh or Altoona on the way home as both of these cities are anxious to have the American champion visit them.

The New Bedford management notified the local club this morning that it will leave New Bedford on Thursday morning and expect to arrive in Bethlehem early Friday morning and will have a light workout in the new athletic field in preparation for the game Saturday. The party will consist of eighteen players and twelve officials and friends.

All the players came out of Saturday's game O.K. with the exception of Butler and MacDonald who received slight injuries.

On Thursday, the Bethlehem Steel team will play Babcock and Wilcox club a return game at Bayonne, N. J.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club