The Globe – Bethlehem
Friday, November 29, 1918
When the Soccer Whistle Blows
By Sita Dell

The Bethlehem Steel soccer champions left last night for Toronto where they meet the pick of the Canadian soccer players in a game tomorrow afternoon for the benefit of a Canadian soldier fund. Accompanied by Manager Sheridan, 14 players made the trip and will return some time on Sunday night. With the exception of Easton, who was injured in the Merchant Ship game last Saturday, all the players were in good physical condition and confident of again defeating the Canadians. It is probable that Harry Ratican, who recovered from his illness, will be back at his old position, center forward, the position covered by Easton during Ratican’s illness.

“Never before in the history of soccer has a harder game been played than the contest between the Steel Workers and the Merchant “A” team last Saturday,” was an expression made by Harry Carpenter, one of the officials of the Blue Mountain League and a thorough soccer devotee. Mr. Carpenter has been following soccer for years and witnessed games all over the country. Of all the games he had the pleasure of witnessing he contends that the contest last Saturday was the hardest fought. “There was little if any difference in the ability of any of the players and the teams were without a doubt evenly matched,” he concluded.

Harry Pearce, the Philadelphia Nationals’ second baseman, playing with the Shipbuilders, is onceded the greatest goalkeeper in the game today. He is quick as a flash and seldom is forced to leave his feet in defending the goal. Before the season opened, Pearce was a free agent, and his name was frequently mentioned in conversation among the local soccer enthusiasts. Harry, it is understood, wasn’t particular with whom he played and chances are that if he had been appraoched, he would have signed wit h the Steel Workers. It was also contended that he would be a wonderful asset to the local baseball team, Eddie Fitzpatrick having repeatedly announced his intentions of retiring.

From Canada comes the report that the visit of the Steel Workers will be the greatest event in soccerdom ever staged. Ever since their trip to the States, three weeks ago, when the champions defeated them at Harrison, N. J., the Canadians have looked forward to the game in hops of avenging the defeat. The Mayor of Toronto will act as sponsor.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club