Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Saturday, November 30, 1929
Big Crowd Treated to Excellent Boxing and Wrestling Bouts.

Soccer boosters and others interested in the sport were given a big night of entertainment in Lehigh gymnasium, the home quarters of the Bethlehem soccer team, Friday night.

The occasion was a smoker and pep meeting for the big game between Bethlehem and New Bedford this afternoon and met with such success that a series of these events are planned for the winter months.

In spite of the extreme cold an excellent attendance turned out.

W. L. Lewis, chairman of the Bethlehem team, in the unavoidable absence of Harry Bennett, presided, and after hearing a few brief addresses the program of feature numbers, including wrestling and boxing, was launched.

"Bill" Stark, coach of Liberty High wrestling, was in charge of the grappling and his efforts in arranging one of the finest mat programs ever witnessed on such an occasion were greatly appreciated, evident by the ovation accorded the matmen. Seven bouts comprised this end of the program climaxed by a great bout in which "Rudy" Ashman, a former captain of Liberty High grappled with "Mitchie" Schaffer, also a former Liberty High grappler. This bout was spiritedly waged throughout the entire five minutes. In the season of 1928 and 1929 Ashman won the state interscholastic championship in the 125 pound class. The other bouts, all of which were good, were competed as follows:

113 pounds: — James Harkins, former Liberty High captain, vs. Ralph DeCrosta.

123 pounds: — John Horvath vs. Dick Kurtz.

135 pounds: — Steve Durek vs. Don Chase.

115 pounds: — Mickey Votrel vs. Jacob White.

115 pounds: — Young Bachman vs. Young Frabel.

The latter bout was between two fourteen year old youngsters and their ability and mat prowess gives great promise for their future in this sport. The wrestling end of the program completed the audience was treated to two fast boxing bouts, each three round two minute affairs. IN the first, Johnny Morgan, Bethlehem middleweight, freely swapped punches with Al Ray, while in the other bout, Joe Carson and Jose Sanchez went three fast rounds. The bouts were arranged by Carson, with the talent out of his stable.

While no date has been set for the next smoker it was announced that "Billy" Sheridan, coach of the Lehigh University wrestling team, will provide the grappling end of the entertainment in which some of the Lehigh aspirants will be seen in action.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club