The Globe -- South Bethlehem
December 1, 1916
Soccer Notes

The New Bedford team to date has played fourteen games -- won nine, tied three and lost two. The leading teams of the New England states were met.

Brittan, outside left, is considered one of the best left wingers playing in the Southern New England league. He is expected to be a source of trouble tot he Bethlehem defense tomorrow.

The game will start at 3 p.m. to enable the visitors to catch a train for New York to make connection with the midnight train from New York to New Bedford.

Walter Hinds, Philadelphia, will referee. He is considered by soccer critics to be one of the most efficient officials handling the whistle today. The glass partitions, which are being made to enclose the east and west ends of the new grandstand, are expected to be in place within the next two weeks. The grandstand will be free to the public tomorrow.

Arrangement has been made with the trolley company to run a few extra cars to the grounds tomorrow from Third and New streets, also from Broad and Main streets.

The New Bedford team, accompanied by officials and friends, arrived in town this morning . They are staying at the American House.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club