Bethlehem Steel will finish training today for the second round American Cup game against Dobson F. C. at Philadelphia on Saturday and all the players who were on the injured list are expected to be in first class shape for the contest. The Dobson team will give the locals a real battle for the honors and any overconfidence on the part of the Steel Workers is likely to end in disaster. Paterson F. C. and Disston F. C. are two of the first class teams that found themselves on the wrong end of the score when they clashed with Dobsons and it will be a long time until they recover from the surprise. Dobsons have never been rated as a high class team but their latest performances entitle them to the respect of all teams in the game.
If Bethlehem is victorious in Saturday's game with Dobsons, it will meet the Hibernians, of Philadelphia, in the third round on the Hibernians' grounds.
The Steel Workers have been exceptionally unfortunate in the drawing for cup contests this season. On five occasions they have been the visiting club and they have not had a cup contest on their own field.
Bethlehem now looks like a winner of the National League as it is two points ahead of its nearest rival, New York F. C. and it has most of its remaining games to play at home.