The Globe – Bethlehem
Tuesday, December 3, 1918
Soccer Notes
Bethlehem Steel F. C. will play the New York Shipbuilding Corporation F. C. of Camden, N. J., in the first round of the American Cup at Bethlehem Steel field on Saturday, Dec. 7, and a great game ought to be witnessed. The Shipbuilders have been going strong since Bethlehem defeated them in the National Cup and now lead the Ship Yard League and they will have at least two changes in their lineup. Kettle of St. Louis will play fullback in the place of Spalding. The Bethlehem lineup will probably be the same as defeated the Canadians last Saturday at Toronto, and the Bethlehem end of the proceeds will go to the park fund.

All the Bethlehem players came out of Saturday’s game with the Canadians in good physical condition and they are looking forward to next Saturday’s game with the New York Shipbuilding F. C. with confidence in their ability to reach the second round.

The game with Cunucks last Saturday was one of the cleanest games that Bethlehem Steel has ever taken part in and the referee had an exceptionally easy time. Both teams played their hardest to win, but at no time was there any semblance of rough playing.

The Canadian halfback line was one of the best that Bethlehem have opposed this season and it was not until the second half of the game that they were able to make consistent headway against them.

The Canadians fans cheered lustily for their team from the first whistle and they were quick to appreciate the cleverness of the Steel Workers. When the game was over none of them had any doubt as to who was the better team.

The Steel Workers’ halfbacks seemed to have a better understanding with one another than any time this season, and there is little likelihood of a change in the near future.

Tommy Swords seems to have hit his stride in the goal scoring line for New York Ship and will bear watching on Saturday.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club