The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, December 3, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Have Hard Road to Travel
"Billy" Sheridan and his clan of champion Steel Work soccerites are going to have anything but a picnic in garnering the honors this year and "Billy" as well as his protégés are well aware of the fact and look for some intensely grueling sessions before the season ends. From "Billy" it was learned that the champions this year would probably be selected for a trip to South America next Spring, a plan that was in mind when the Bethlehem team left on the continental tour but owing to the late completion of the series in Sweden further touring was called off for the year. The Steel Workers enjoyed the honor of invading foreign shores when they journeyed to Canada and then to Sweden and every one is pulling hard for the trip to South America. This play appears definitely understood all through the soccer circuit and with every team adopting the slogan "Get Bethlehem" some mighty interesting games are sure to develop. According to Mr. Sheridan the teams this year are stronger than ever before and with every aggregation set to lower the colors of the Bethlehem contingent, the Steel Workers will have to extend themselves to their utmost to duplicate the success of previous years. "There are not one or two particular teams in the National League and two cup circuits which have unusual strength," remarks Sheridan, "but the majority of them are strengthened to a greater degree than ever before." "Another interesting feature," continued "Billy," "is the rivalry exiting among the clubs, all of which speaks well for the future of soccer in this country. Years ago the teams went through with their games in a more or less mechanical manner, taking the field apparently with the one thought of getting the game over with. However, hundreds of soccer fans have been added to the list of enthusiasts in the past several years and with the interest gradually stimulated by a more thorough knowledge of soccer it has finally reached a fever heat stage." Sheridan then described an incident in which his statements of rivalry are well borne out. It was a game played between Federal Ship and Robins Dry Docks on Sunday afternoon at which Sheridan happened to be a spectator. "Billy" apparently went down to see the Robins, the champions' most deadly foe in action, and from his account was treated to one of the most spirited contests he ever witnessed. The Robins, with three former Bethlehemites among their lineup, were on the short end of a 2 to 0 score at half time, but in the final session came through with three goals. The last one was registered on a penalty kick, the ball being booted into the net by Harry Ratican. It was then that one of the players over-stepped the bounds of ethics, when in an argument with one of the officials he resorted to fisticuffs. While the action is deeply deplored and the player in question will no doubt suffer a punishment, his losing his head to resort to the ruffian style of play, might be partially overlooked. Federal Ship, one of the best soccer teams in the East, has been campaigning in rather hard luck. The three last games played were lost by one goal, after having carried the lead throughout the greater part of the game. And incidentally in each instance it was a penalty kick that turned the trick. Robins Dry Dock team, leaders of the league with six or seven wins and one draw, loom up as the most dangerous contender, although Paterson, with Heminsley and Tintle, two of the crack players who were with the Steel Workers abroad, also appear dangerous when once the team gets started right. Bethlehem has won every game since the return home, but their showing in the three or four contests is by no means a settled indication that romping away with the future opponents is going to be easily accomplished.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club