The Globe – Bethlehem
Wednesday, December 4, 1918
When The Soccer Whistle Blows
By Sita Dell

Not the National but the American Cup will be at state when the Bethlehem Steel Champions clash with the New York Ship soccer team on Saturday afternoon, on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field, in the first round of the American Cup Competition. This will be the second meeting between these clubs, Bethlehem having ably defended the title of champion by conquering the brawny shipbuilders.

A victory over New York Ship on Saturday afternoon will mean that the Bethlehem team has thus far this season successfully defended its title in the three organizations in which it is represented. With Fred Pepper and Harry Ratican again back into harness, the Steel Workers are more confident than ever of again downing the New York Shipbuilders.

Accorinding to Manager George Bowe, of the New Yorkers, his contention is that the Shipbuilders profited by the defeat at the hands of Bethlehem and that he is now more confident of victory than ever.

"Dick" Spaulding, the former Victor and Disstons' left fullback, will again make the trip and will partner Aleck McLaughlin, his former teammate in the fullback position. Owing to "Bart" McGhee, the speedy outside left having left the New York Ship, it is likely that he will not assist his former team, though he is still the property of the Camden club.

Manager William Sheridan has returned from Newark, N. J., where he attended the meeting of the New Jersey Football Association. Manager Sheridan is a member of the executive committee of that body and was summoned to the meeting yesterday afternoon.

According to an announcement appearing in a Philadelphia paper, the Steel Workers are still contemplating the trip to California during the Christmas holidays, in addition to playing a team compried of the pick of the Delaware Shipyard League, sandwiched in with the regular playing schedule.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club