The Bethlehem F. C. champions are primed for the soccer tilt with the New York Ship on the Bethlehem Steel Co. athletic field tomorrow afternoon and determined that the result of the second meeting will be little different from the clash in the first round of the National Cup competition staged here several weeks ago. The game tomorrow will be the first round in the American Cup competition.
The Bethlehem line-up will be in all likelihood be exactly the same that faced the Canadians at Toronto last Saturday. The tentative line-ups as given today are:
Bethlehem – New York Ship
Duncan – G -- Neff
Fletcher – R.F.B. – McLaughlin
Ferguson – L.F.B. – Kettle (Spaulding)
Pepper – R.H.B. -- Lynn
Campbell – C.H.B. -- Peate
Kirkpatrick – L.H.B. -- Fisher
McKelvey – O.R. -- Pollett
Butler – I.R. -- Kemp
Ratican – C.F. -- Waltemaite
Forrest – I.L. – George
Fleming – O.L. -- McGhee
Andy Kettle, who may be given preference over “Dick” Spaulding at left fullback, is one of the best players ever developed in this country. His career started as manager of the Tigers of Kansas City, later with the Ben Millers of St. Louis and before joining the shipbuilders was with the West Hudsons.
One in two of the seven games played by the Steel Workers this season have the opponents been able to penetrate their net. Bethlehem piled up thirty points to four against them, the four being credited to two teams. Merchant “A” scored three goals and the Canadians in the game at Newark, N. J., registered one goal.
Manager Sheridan announced that all the players are in good condition and feels confident that the champions can again blank the shipbuilders. With Ratican rounding into his old time form following his siege of illness, Fred Pepper again thoroughly recovered from his injury and practically all the other players playing the best game of their career, the Steel Workers appear to be stronger than ever since soccer was established at the local plant.
James Kerr, assistant manager of the Hog Island team and a well known soccer player and popular referee, has been selected to handled the whistle in the cup match.
Report has it hat Tommy Swords, center forward of the New York Ship, has gone back to Fall River, Mass., where he resided before signing with the shipbuilders. Swords is one of the most feared players in the game and his loss would be a serious setback to a team. “Tommy” however may be here with the shipbuilders tomorrow. He is signed with Manager Bowe’s squad and cannot play with any other team. Even if he did quit work at the plant he is eligible to continue to play with the Camden crowd and may come on purposely to get another chance against the Bethlehem players.
At a meeting of the Delaware River Shipyard League, held last night, a letter from Manager Sheridan was read, in which he stated that Bethlehem would tackle a picked team from the league in Philadelphia at some future date, or as soon as some of the postponed cup matches had been cleared off the schedule.
The request made by Bart McGhee for his transfer from New York Ship to Merchants’ team B was refused, pending his industrial release.
The game tomorrow afternoon will start promptly at 2:30 o’ clock and judging from the interest manifested in the match, a large crowd of spectators will be on hand. Special cars will be provided to accommodate the fans.