The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, December 6, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Introducing Bethlehem Soccer Players
In spite of the fact that Bethlehem can boast one of the best soccer teams in the country -- and probably at the close of the present campaigning can lay claim to the individual distinction -- players associated with the local clan, with very few exceptions, are practically strangers to the majority of local sports followers, excepting those who make regular visits to the Steel Field when the team plays at home. Therefore it might not be amiss to introduce some of the chaps who sport the colors of the home team and their achievements before aspiring to a position on the Bethlehem club. Or initial introduction is with Davy Ferguson, a brother of that "Jock" Ferguson, who seems destined to enjoy even greater laurels than the popular and well liked "Jock". David the younger member of the Clan Ferguson sporting the colors of Bethlehem is a fullback who, besides having a notable past in spite of his youth, seems assured of a successful future in this country. Davy's first junior team was Dundee Celtics which club he joined after a very wide experience with the juveniles. From this club he went to the Dundee Hibs, and eventually Arbroath F. C. He represented Arbroath in the annual North of Scotland vs. West of Scotland classic. He set sail for this country to join his brother at the beginning of the 1922-23 season, and has given Bethlehem sterling service since that time. He has a style of tackling that opposing forwards invariably find hard to solve, and is a sure and lusty kicker with either foot. He also possesses a good turn of speed which enables him to make things very annoying for wingmen. Being versatile he can play either right or left half back and like all his fellow players, plays the game in a clean, gentlemanly, and sportsmanlike manner, which has always been and will always be Bethlehem's ideal style of play.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club