The undoubtedly strong defense should be tested to the limit on Saturday and the local defense cannot afford to take liberties with the veteran Heminsley and the young and fast players on each side of him.
The American League schedule for this weekend is as follows: Saturday, Bethlehem vs. Newark, at Bethlehem. Philadelphia vs. Newark, at Philadelphia.
Sunday: Newark vs. Bethlehem, at Newark. National Giants vs. J & P Coats at Polo Grounds, New York. Brooklyn vs. Fall River, at Fall River.
A. Jackson is the only Bethlehem player in the first ten of the leading goal scorers in the league but his brother Walter will soon be in the select circle if he maintains the form he displayed against Philadelphia in the National Cup game at the Steel field last Saturday.
Goal average is a strong point of interest to the soccer fan but the real player forgets about averages when he steps on the field. Walter Jackson could [. . . ] have located the net on two more occasions at the expense of the Phillies last Saturday but he apparently considered three enough for the day. Teamwork is the main thing that counts and the entire Bethlehem line will pass up a chance to shoot if someone else is in a better position to score.
Bethlehem have lost 12 goals in 7 games and their opponents in Saturday's game have lost 11 in 5 games. This would seem to indicate that there is not much to chose between the opposing defenses.