Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Friday, December 6, 1929
Bethlehem Meets Threadmakers in Day's Only Big Major Sports Attraction

As the outstanding major sports attraction in the Lehigh Valley for Saturday afternoon, the Bethlehem-Pawtucket soccer game to be waged on the home field of the Steelmen should prove the mecca of all sportsmen.

Since victories are a matter of vast importance and especially so when playing on home loam, Bethlehem will make every effort to present its strongest team in spite of the many handicaps encountered by injury.

The big training was held yesterday afternoon and when concluded the exact lineup for the homesters was still problematic. Johnny Jaap, flashy inside right and undoubtedly one of the most brilliant inside forwards in American soccer, was noted limping after the workout and inquiries elicited the information that an injured knee which he had been quietly nursing was again annoying him. There is no immediate danger that he will not be able to take his regular place but in the event that he should be forced to idleness the team will have Johnny Henighen to inject into his position.

It was definitely ascertained that McDonald, missing in the last four or five games, will resume playing in the Pawtucket game and will be paired off with Bob McGregor, a halfback, who will again be assigned to that department.

The Bethlehem forward line will present plenty of speed and goal shooting possibilities with the rearranged lineup brought about by the absence of Archie Stark, center forward. For his position Tommy Gillespie will receive the not and Alec Dick transferred to outside right, a berth in which he has proven quite capable. Jaap, at inside right, if the bad leg permits, will give plenty of speed on that side of the line. On the left Alec Massie, who is gradually getting back to the excellent game he played last season, will be at inside left with George Purgavie, the wing forward. Available as reserves will be Johnny Rollo and the veteran Jock Ferguson, the latter held in readiness for an emergency at the back positions.

Bethlehem -- Pawtucket
Fraser -- G -- Kerr
McDonald -- RFB -- Tate
McGregor -- LFB -- Martin
Reid -- RHB -- Fleming
Carnihan -- CHB -- Perry
Pitt -- LHB -- Brooks
Dick -- OR -- Harvey
Jaap -- IR -- Adam
Gillespie -- CF -- Barlow
Massie -- IL -- McKechnie
Purgavie -- OL -- Goldie

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club