An announcement believed to have emanated from Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association, states that the Bethlehem Soccer Football Club, through its manager, H. Edgar Lewis, vice president of the Bethlehem Steel Works, has accepted the challenge of the Union Shipyard team, of San Francisco, to play the Union eleven out on the Pacific coast. Locally, it is understood that all details have not been definitely arranged although it is thoroughly believed that the contemplated trip will be made due to the wonderful showing made by the team this season and to dispose of whatever dispute might arise relative to the merits on which the Bethlehem F. C. attained the honor of United States champions. The article in which reference is made to the trip read:
“Since the Bethlehem team captured the National and American cups, which gives them undisputed honors as champions, the Coast team has been dickering for a game for the titular honors of America.
“The Bethlehem players will leave Bethlehem, Pa., Dec. 20. Thomas W. Cahill, secretary of the United States Football Association, will accompany the team as the representative of the U.S.F.A. Cahill was the first American to represent this country in soccer football at a meeting of the International Football Association in England and he also was the first American to take an American soccer team to Europe. He is now working with Mr. Lewis in perfecting plans for a tour for the Bethlehem players after playing the Union Shipyard team for the championship of the United States.
“It has already been decided not to play any games on the way to the coast, so that the players will not run the risk of being injured. While no date has been set for the contest with the Union team, it is believed that word will be received early next week from James Tynan, president of the California Football Association, which is representing the Union team in arranging for the game with the U.S.F.A. On the return trip the Bethlehem team will play exhibition games in Los Angeles, Dallas, St. Louis and Pittsburgh, Pa. Other games may be arranged.
“As this is the first time in the history of soccer football in this country that an Eastern team has toured the Pacific coast, more than usual interest is attached to the coming tour. Bethlehem is one of the strongest elevens ever gotten together in this country and as the team is really stronger than last year when they captured the National and American cups, it is expected that they will prove too strong for the Union Shipyard eleven which his made up of players who are considered without peer in America.