The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, December 7, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Bethlehem's Nineteen Year Old Sensation
Continuing to introduce Bethlehem F. C. players, The Globe selects today for its subject Alexander Jackson, more familiarly known by his teammates and fans as "Alex" who probably the most sensational soccer find of the season. The youngest member of the Bethlehem clan, Alex seemed destined to become one of the greatest wingmen in the country. In spite of his youth the Bethlehem management did not misplace confidence when they entrusted the youngster to a permanent berth for Jackson is coming through in a style that closely rivals that of his famed brother Walter Jackson, a veteran center forward and is proving one of the most consistent scoring aces on the team. Jackson, by the way, is the younger of the Jackson brothers and should have a wonderful career ahead of him for recently he passed his nineteenth milestone. Despite his youth, he has had big league experience on the other side, having played with Dumbarton. After his term in the juveniles, during which time he represented Scotland in the annual Continental Tour, he played a trial game for Shawfield Juniors. Some Dumbarton officials saw him in action and immediately snapped him up. He followed his brother Walter to Bethlehem and assumed the outside right position here, afterwards moving to inside right, which position he fills extremely well, due to his speed, and aggressiveness. A particular feature of his game is the wonderful use he makes of his head in scoring goals. Most of his goals have come as a result of his head connecting with the sphere and speeding it netward. Bethlehem fans are hoping to see him spring the Blue and White for many seasons to come.

One Major Attraction Tomorrow Afternoon
One major sports attraction will be the offering for tomorrow afternoon when the Bethlehem F. C. meets the Newark F. C. in an American Soccer League game to be played on the Steel Field. On this side of the river there will also be a soccer attraction in which the Lehigh University Junior Varsity engages with the Germantown Boys' Club of Philadelphia. Of the two the hostilities on the Steel Field will most likely be the strongest magnet of attraction for pending on the outcome of this game will be points in the league race and the league race at present is anything but one sided. In fact there are no less than five clubs contending for first place honors with no more than five points separating the totals of the first and fifth club. Bethlehem, at the League head for the brief period of one weekend, is trailing in third place with Brooklyn tied at 16 points each. The New York F. C. with one more game played than Bethlehem is setting the pace with thirteen points and Fall River, having played the same number of games as Bethlehem, a close second with 10 points. In fact the race this season is such an open issue that even Coats, champions last year who at present are resting unmolested at the top of the second division, still have a chance of overhauling the leaders. The league race has reached the acute stage where every point counts and with this in mind Bethlehem will make a determined effort to continue the winning stride established by victories in the last five or six contests. Being a league game the kickoff will be at 3:30

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club