The Globe -- South Bethlehem
Friday, December 8, 1916

Great interest is being show in the coming American championship game between henry Disston and Sons, Philadelphia, and the Bethlehem Steel company. Disston at present leads the American League of Philadelphia, having won all games so far in that competition. Reports from Tacony state that the Disston management contemplates running a special train to Bethlehem on Saturday.

Word was received from Chicago that the big game scheduled between Bethlehem Steel and the pick of Chicago, for Saturday, December 23, will be played on Stagg field, Chicago University or the Chicago White Sox ball grounds.

St. Louis fans are looking forward to the visit of the national champions at Christmas and the fact that the St. Louis teams have never been defeated by an eastern team in the last eleven years makes the coming games between Bethlehem Steel company and St. Louis interesting and will no doubt draw record gates.

David M. White who will officiate as referee on Saturday, is rated as one of the most efficient members of the New York Referee's Association and handles most of the big games.

It is quite possible that the steelworkers will play in Wilmington and Baltimore during the holidays.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club