The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, December 8, 1919
National Game Goes to Steel Workers Two Goals to None
Visiting Eleven Gives Locals a Hard Rub All Through Contest

By Fred. Nonnemacher
Out on the Bethlehem Steel athletic field on Saturday afternoon Bethlehem vanquished the Paterson F. C., one of its most dangerous foes and contenders for soccer honors, in a National Cup game, by the score of 2 goals to none.

While the Steel Workers were returned victorious they lacked in their last season form in that their staying qualities were not as determined as those apparent in the team that won the triple championship and also, only in flashes did they show the combination work that has always been an important factor in all their games. Paterson proved itself a fast and clever aggregation, but strict attention given to Heminsley and Brown by the Bethlehem defense hurried the shots of these experts and their efforts went wide. Duncan, however, was in good form, and in the closing minutes of play featured with several brilliant saves before the Bethlehem half-backs gained control of the visiting forwards.

It was the first home cup game for Bethlehem this season and only a few fans turned out to see the contest. This was probably due to the inclement weather conditions. A driving snow started shortly before the game and continued throughout the contest. Owing to the excellent condition of the field, the snow marred little, if any, of the play in the first half. However, in the second half the field became slippery and made speedy footwork treacherous.

In the first half the Steel Workers did most of the attacking, but were woefully weak in the second half , particularly the right wing. In the second half the visitors had as much of the play as Bethlehem and it was easily seen that the Steel Workers were not in the best physical condition. Tommy Fleming was missing in the Steel Workers' lineup. He was suffering a sever attack of acute indigestion and upon the advice of his medical attendant did not enter the game.

For Paterson, the playing of Tintle, Todd, Hemingway and Brown stood out prominently, while for Bethlehem, Campbell, Ferguson, Blakey and Harris featured.

Bethlehem won the toss and in the first ten minutes of play forced two corners, but both were badly placed by McKelvey and were easily diverted from the danger zone. In the first fifteen minutes, Bethlehem had six shots at goal, three of which the goalkeeper handled in excellent style, and the other three went past. Paterson then began to attack and shots from Shaw and Brown went over the bar. On both these tries the Bethlehem defense did not allow the visiting forwards to settle and make sure of their marksmanship. Following these tries, Bethlehem resumed the attack and Tintle stopped a beautiful shot from Harris. Continuing to attack, Several more shots were directed at Tintle, but it looked as if Bethlehem forwards were all anxious to do the scoring and they seemed to forget the value of combination when within the penalty area. All of the five forwards directed shots at the goal when a pass to a teammate would have been the logical play.

After thirty-five minutes of play, Harris got possession and the fans were treated to the first real combination work of the day. Harris tricked Vandeweighe and passed to McKelvey. Harris followed up the play and was in position to receive the return which he easily converted into the score of the afternoon. This success, however, had little effect on the visitors and they were soon in the vicinity of Duncan from there Heminsley shot over the bar. Bethlehem again attacked but Harris was called up on two occasions for offside and the period ended without any further scoring.

Second Half

Play was resumed in the second half with Paterson starting off with a rush and in less than no time 3 shots were directed at Duncan, only one of which , however, looked dangerous and this was perfectly handled by the Bethlehem goalkeeper. McKelvey was called up for offside and Heminsley broke away for an individual effort, but his shot went wide. Heminsley appeared to have lost some of the accuracy which made him a favorite in Sweden. This was, perhaps, due to the close attention paid him by Campbell, who never allowed any leeway. Bethlehem took up the aggressive and shots by McKelvey, Easton and Pepper traveled close to the uprights and kept Tintle on the jump. Brown broke away for Paterson and after a nice run, made the visitors' best effort of the day, but he was brought down before he reached the shooting range. Forrest was next in line with a shot that hit the bar with Tintle helpless. Another corner, for Bethlehem was well placed by McKelvey and Campbell once more proved his value in this particular line when he headed Bethlehem's second goal into the net. Tintle handled the sphere but could not hold it. This second counter came after thirty minutes of hard play. Paterson played as if determined to prevent a shutout and came near accomplishing the feat when it appeared as if the Steel Workers somewhat slackened in their defensive efforts. Duncan, playing in good form, prevented scoring when several shots were directed at him and held the visitors in check until the Bethlehem halfbacks again gained control of the visiting forwards. The lineup:

Paterson -- Bethlehem
Tintle -- G -- Duncan
Todd -- RFB -- Fletcher
Murray -- LFB -- Ferguson
Broadbent - -RHB -- Murray
Vandeweghe -- CHB -- Campbell
Cooper -- LHB -- Blakey
Wilson -- OR -- McKelvey
Meyerdieck - -IR -- Pepper
Heminsley -- CF -- Harris
Shaw -- IL -- Easton
Brown -- OL -- Forrest
Goals -- Harris, Campbell. Referee -- J. H. Carpenter. Linesmen -- Wilson and Hogan. 45 minute halves.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club