Bethlehem Globe
Friday, December 10, 1915
Big Game Scheduled For Saturday on East End Field

Bethlehem Steel and Disston have been undergoing special training for tomorrow's championship game. Clarke who suffered a painful injury to an arm last Saturday will not be able to play. An X-ray was taken yesterday.

A big delegation of rooters will accompany Disston, which will arrive in South Bethlehem about 11:40 a.m.

Disston's recent victory over the Bethlehem team at Philadelphia three weeks ago and the fact that it will be at full strength tomorrow, while the local team will be somewhat crippled makes it a slight favorite.

Included in the Disston team tomorrow will be Pearce, Spaulding, Robinson and Brigham of last season's Victor Professionals, Fisher of West Philadelphia; Houser and C. Morrison of Toronto, Can. All leading soccer players of Philadelphia and Canada and with so much at state this game promises to be the hardest and most bitterly fought contest ever staged on East End field.

James Walders, Philadelphia, has been appointed to officiate as referee wand will be assisted by two able linesmen. The game will begin at 2:30 p.m. and in event of a tie at the end of the regular playing session extra time must be played to determine the winner.

Disston will rely on practically the same team that defeated Bethlehem recently, Morrison, the new Canadian being the only change that is probable. They are expected to line-up as follows: Pearce goal, Small r.f.b., Spaulding l.f.b., McEwan r.h.b., Fisher c.h.b., Kirkpatrick l.h.b., Andrews o.r., Morrison i.r., Houison c.f., Rodgers i.r., Brigham o.l.

Bethlehem will switch Campbell to center-half and Murray to right-half and will line-up as follows: Duncan goal, Fletcher r.f.b., Ferguson l.f.b., Murray, r.h.b., Campbell c.h.b., Morrison l.h.b., Butler or McKelvey o.r., MacDonald i.r., Brown c.f., Pepper i.r., Fleming o.l.