The first half was productive of no scoring. It can hardly be said to have been the cleanest played game on the Phila. Field. Quite the contrary, it was one of the roughest, with the Disstons more often the offenders, as just a dozen fouls were called on the visitors by Referee Andrew Laurie, to four against Bethlehem. McEwan, Andrews and Barrett were the chief offenders.
Both goals resulted from corner kicks, Clarke heading the first one in and Pepper the second. The latter goal was one of the prettiest even made here. Fleming who essayed the corner, placed the ball beautifully, and Pepper, without moving, headed it into a far corner of the net, Pearce not having a chance to save. The Disston's goal keeper, by the way, played his usual wonderful game, and it was due to his energetic efforts that the score was not much larger. Play in the first half was much closer than in the second period, in which half the Disstons did not have a chance to score, the play with two exceptions being always in the visitors' territory.
During the entire game Duncan was called on twice to handle the ball and both were easy chances. At the start of the game, the Bethlehem fullbacks seemed weak, Ferguson at the very start allowing the ball to get past him, and Andrews rushing in let drive a wicked one at Duncan. He stopped the ball but slipped and on his hands and knees crawled several yards after the ball forcing a corner, which availed nothing. After this, Disstons secured but one more corner, while Bethlehem had an even dozen.
Bethlehem braced after this and kept the Disston fullbacks busy, Pearce was called on several times to save, but the chances were easy ones. However, toward the end of the first half his brilliant work in goal alone saved a score. Fleming had a corner kick, as a result of which a scrimmage developed in front of the goal. Pearce stopped a vicious drive, but forced a corner in doing so. McKelvey took the kick and in another scrimmage another one was forced. On McKelvey's next try the visitors managed to clear. Continual fouling was the only thing that marred the playing in the first half. Referee Laurie being compelled several times to warn the Disston players.
Disston kicked off against the win and with the sun in their eyes at the restart. Right at the start Bethlehem missed a good chance to score, but forced a corner, which went for naught. Soon after Bethlehem had another corner, but Kirkpatrick, who took McKelvey's drive, booted the ball over the net. Shortly after this Forrest had a good opening, but overran the ball.
Kirkpatrick followed with a drive from thirty yards out. The ball had so much force to it that it knocked Pearce down, but flew over the bars. Fleming took the corner kick. He placed it well into the net, Pearce making a grand effort to save. From here until the final whistle blew, Bethlehem kept up a strong bombardment of the Disston's goal. Pepper drove the ball over the net once and Forrest's drive hit the [...] high one over the net and a minute later McKelvey crossed over to Fleming who had a clear field but kicked wide.
Fleming played a better defensive game than offensively. After Pepper's goal which followed Fleming had two corners in succession and Clarke and Murray good chances to score.
This was Bethlehem Steel's eighteenth consecutive victory and out of the six games played in recent years with Disston, Bethlehem has won five.
The lineup:
Disston -- Bethlehem
Pearce -- G -- Duncan
McLaughlin -- RFB -- Fletcher
Small -- LFB -- Ferguson
Dutcher -- RHB -- Murray
Fisher -- LHB -- Campbell
Fullerton -- CHB -- Kirkpatrick
Coursey -- OR -- McKelvey
McEwan -- IR -- Pepper
Lynch -- CF -- Clarke
Barnett -- IL -- Forrest
Andrews -- OL -- Fleming
Goals: Clarke, Pepper. Referee: Andrew Laurie, Newark, N. J. Linesmen: Rodgers, Disston; Morrison, Bethlehem. Two 45-minute halves.