The Globe -- Bethlehem
Monday, December 12, 1921
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Good Record of Soccer Team
With the soccer season at nearly the half-way mark in the American Professional League, and the Phillies not yet having lost a game in the series, says Levi Wilcox in the Philadelphia Inquirer, fans should feel on good terms with themselves. The Phillies have met and defeated every team in the circuit. They have played such a consistent game that it would not surprise us in the least if they had to capture the pennant this season without losing another point. The team has not only outplayed its opponents in every department of the game, but it has won its matches without in the least resorting to rough tactics, which cannot be said of other teams that we have witnessed play this season. The unfortunate accident to Harold Brittan, the Phillies' brilliant and sensational center forward, last Saturday, may not prove as serious as anticipated. That is fortunate, and we have it from Manager Jimmy Walders that Brittan might get into the game without only about two weeks' layoff. The loss of Brittan might have a demoralizing effect on the rest of the players. He has played such phenomenal ball this season that he, more than any other player, can hardly be spared, particularly when it is stated that the Phillies have their most crucial test of the season to face next Saturday, when they tackle Todds, in this city. When the American League was organized such teams as Harrison, New York, Todds and Jersey Celtics, the three eastern clubs, were expected to prove the stumbling block to the championship aspirations of the Phillies. Without exception, they have all proved easier picking than expected, from which it may be gathered that Philadelphia has the strongest soccer team in the history of the sport representing Billy Pater. Besides leading the league, the Phillies also have the honor of topping the individual goal scorers, with Brittan, their brilliant center forward, holding that distinction, having scored 16 goals or five more than McKenna, of Todds. Archie Stark, of New York, Bob Millar of Pawtucket and McGuire, another Todd player, are tied for third place with seven goals to their credit. Philadelphia is also in the running for fourth place, as its inside left, Campbell, has dented the net on six occasions. One of the clubs which started with wonderful prospects, but has made a sorry showing in the league series, is the Harrison team, Harrison, N. J. This club had in its lineup at the beginning of the season five local players, Spalding, McLaughlin, Wilson, James McGhee, and Blakey. Even with this local talent the Harrison team has failed ignominiously, which is the surprise of the season. That should make the second half of the schedule interesting for such clubs as the Phillies and Todds, both of whom on present dope should finish at the end of the season as written. One of the most dismal failures is Jersey Celtics, of Jersey City, N. J. This club, like Harrison, started with glowing prospects. It was event hinted that the majority of the players who represented the Celtics against Third Lanark, of Scotland, when the Scotchmen played here last summer, would represent the Celts in the American League whirl. Such, however, has proved to the contrary. Had the American League adopted the percentage plan at the beginning of the season not only is it safe to assume that Jersey Celtics would have retained their franchise, but it is probable that they would have gotten together a strong team. Few if any of the clubs have made much kale while others not so fortunate have already had to dig down into their reserve funds for the purpose of making up a deficit. The percentage plan should by all means be adopted. With the uncertain weather coupled with the enormous traveling expenses it is a gambler's chance at the best, which is all the more essential why each club should help the other as much as possible in meeting expenses. And this can only be done to the satisfaction of all concerned by playing all the games on the percentage plan.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club