The Globe -- Bethlehem
Friday, December 13, 1918
When the Soccer Whistle Blows
By Sita Dell

With the exception of Fletcher, all the Bethlehem F. C. players are in good condition to go the full ninety minutes at a fast clip against Merchant "B" soccer team on Bethlehem Steel athletic field tomorrow afternoon. If Fletcher is unable to play in his regular position, it is probable that McKelvey will drop back to the right fullback position and this will result in a rearrangement of the front line. However, the men waiting in reserve are such that there is no danger of the team being weakened in the attack by any change. No matter what the weather conditions will be the game will be staged and the accommodations at the athletic field are such as to conveniently protect a gathering of twelve hundred fans or more from the elements.

The members of the various teams of the school leagues will be admitted free to the game with a view of giving them an opportunity to see how the big games are played. The boys are to report to Mr. Kingsbury at the automobile gate at 2 o'clock. George Young of Philadelphia will referee the match. The following is the probable line-up of Bethlehem: Duncan, goal; McKelvey, right fullback; Ferguson, left fullback; Pepper, right halfback; Campbell, center halfback; Kirkpatrick, left halfback; Millar, outside right; Butler, inside right; Ratican, center forward; Forrest, inside right; Fleming, outside right.

If the local players or fans think that tomorrow's game will be easy for Bethlehem they would do well to remember the scores registered by Merchant A and Merchant B teams against Hog Island. Merchant B defeated Hog Island by the score of six goals to one, and the "A" team were only able to defeat the Islanders by a score of one goal to nothing.

Jimmy Easton, who was very seriously injured in the Merchant A game three weeks ago, is rapidly recovering and will be able to resume training next week.

Jimmy Murphy is expected to return to Bethlehem in the near future. Jimmy will be a hard man to keep out of a position on the soccer team.

Tom Whelan, who formerly played goal for Bethlehem, will probably be in the last line of defense for the visitors tomorrow. Tom is a goal keeper of no mean ability, and his ambition is to play against Bethlehem on their own grounds to show the fans just what he can do in the way of keeping his goal intact.

Bethlehem Steel has been inner of the American Cup for the past three seasons and they are out for a record of four straight. Merchant "B" will find goals hard to get tomorrow.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club