The Globe -- Bethlehem
December 13, 1923
Harry Ollerman, a Goalkeeper From St. Louis Comes to This City.
Harry Ollerman, the star goalkeeper of the Scullin Steel Co., of St. Louis, has signed for Bethlehem and is eligible to take part in all games including the National Cup game, Christmas Day against New York F. C. Ollerman was the sensation of the National cup final at Newark last May. Paterson bombarded the St. Louis goal for the greater part of two hours that the game lasted, and while they were able to secure no less than twenty-one corners, only two shots got beyond the reach of Ollerman. Like the majority of St. Louis players, Ollerman is a baseball player of note and last summer played in the outfield for Kalamazoo in the Michigan and Ontario League. In a fast workout this morning he showed that he is already in good form and there is a possibility that he may be seen in the lineup on Saturday against Fall River.
Carnihan and Grainger are the only two members on the local list who may not be able to start against the league leaders. Maxwell will be seen at inside left and if he displays the same aggressiveness against Fall River that he did against Newark last Saturday, there will be no weakness in that position.
The halfback line will, most likely, be Rattray, MacGregor and Terris, and the Fall River vanguard will have their work cut out for them to get the better of this trio. All three are experienced players and they can be depended upon to be on hand to help out the last line of defense whenever necessary. A strong halfback line has always been a big part of Bethlehem's success in the past and the present intermediates are at least on the par with the old Bethlehem halfback lines that had such stars as Murray, Campbell, Kirkpatrick, Clark and Morrison to select from.
Note: Article consistently spells the goalie's name as Ollerman, while later articles list it as Oellerman.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club