On the journey the first stop will be at Pawtucket where judging by the form displayed by the Steelmen in their game last Saturday they should experience no difficulty in repeating their victory over the Threadmakers.
However, the Sunday game is one of quite different aspect for at Fall River the Bethlehem boys not only meet the league leading club but a team that thus far has been undefeated in the new circuit and incidentally the only club in the loop able to evade a setback.
When the team departed Johnny Jaap, brilliant inside forward, was home. Jaap has recently been bothered with an injured knee and was in no condition to make the trip. Other cripples to remain at home were Allan and Gibson, both fullbacks.
However, the prospects were somewhat brightened when Archie Stark packed his traveling bag, along with Johnny Rollo and McDonald, and all three refit for service. It probably will see Stark resuming play after several weeks layoff will be eliminated in the Pawtucket game will celebrate his return against the sharp shooting marksmen.
If negotiations can be closed satisfactorily Bethlehem will have a new wing forward for a trial on this trip. The new player is a youngster by the name Baillie, of Montreal, ranked as the outstanding left forward in the Dominion. While it is expected that he will join the club on the trip his inclusion is not yet definite.
A league meeting will be held in New York City on Saturday night. This will be the first meeting since the new circuit was organized.