Soccer Saturday's Major Attraction
Of all the sports that will be waged in Bethlehem tomorrow afternoon, the soccer game on the Bethlehem Steel Field looms up as the major attraction of the day. Real hostilities with many thrilling episodes are anticipated in the ninety minutes of play when the Bethlehem F. C. goes to the post against Fall River in a game that makes possible Bethlehem's ascension to first place in the American League race. Both teams are primed to the finest fettle for this contest, apparently both realizing that the outcome of this game will probably solve the winner of the American League bunting. This prophecy is made in spite of the fact that the league campaigning is less than halfway through its scheduled but on the face of the merit displayed by both teams and their successful triumphs to date over every other member of the circuit. It will be the first meeting between Fall River and Bethlehem in a league game this season but by no means the last. Four games two to be played at home and two away are scheduled for every opponent in the circuit making the game tomorrow afternoon of important significance to the local clan. Bethlehem will have the opportunity of entering Fall River in but one more league game on home loam while Fall River will still have its two games to play with Bethlehem at Fall River. There certainly is some advantage in playing games on the home field, particularly insofar as these two teams are concerned, and Bethlehem therefore can hardly afford to lose the two points to be garnered by victory. And if Bethlehem does win it will mean that the Steel Workers for the first time this season advance to the lead in the American League race.
Friend Ceases On Field of Battle
When the Fall River contingent invade Bethlehem tomorrow morning a most cordial reception will be accorded the visitors. There will be a general shaking of hands and bestowal of compliments in welcoming the flock of former Bethlehemites to the city of the team that they once represented. Players such as Kerr, Campbell, Brittan and in fact every other former Bethlehemite who casts his lot with Fall River, were popular among players and fans before they departed for other climes. However, when the players take the field fires would hardly recognize the social relations apparent in greeting the visitors for all friendship ceases when the two squads take the field of battle. Instead it will be a two teams fighting their hardest to conquer — one to defend its honors as the league leaders and the other to oust if possible and advance itself to the topmost position. The New Englanders are scheduled to leave Fall River this evening and will spend the night in New York City. They will arrive in Bethlehem over the Lehigh Valley tomorrow morning and the few hours intervening the start of the game will probably be spent in call upon their many friends in this city. The game is the one that soccer fans have been waiting for all season and one that promises to eclipse all records for attendance.