Returning home following the soccer game on Saturday afternoon, Campbell and McKelvey, two of the Bethlehem Steel players had a narrow escape from serious injury when run down by an automobile. The players were crossing a street and blinded by the heavy downpour of rain walked directly in the path of a moving machine. Both were thrown to the ground and when the machine was stopped Campbell was pulled out from underneath. McKelvey was bruised about the face while Campbell suffered bruises over his entire body. However, neither was seriously injured and they will be able to report for practice in a day or two.
A report that Sid Brown, a Canadian half back would join the Bethlehem Steel soccer forces, was denied this morning by Manager Sheridan. The latter, however, conceded that he is one of the greatest half backs in the country and would be a valuable addition to any team. However, with the players now signed with the Bethlehem team, the second string man are many and of such a caliber they can place able substitutes in case of injury. Sid Brown is conceded to be the greatest halfback in Canada. Brown captained the Canadian picked team which recently twice succumbed to the Bethlehem attack – at Newark Federal League park and on the University of Toronto field. Brown played at left half and was easily the individual star of both games, although on the losing club. Born in England, he learned all of his football in Canada, where he has played with Sunderland and Davensport Albions.
Although his hair is streaked wit h gray and he is considered a veteran at the game, Bob Millar, who recently returned to the Bethlehem club, has lost none of his cunning on the playing field. His work against the Merchant shipbuilders was the outstanding feature of the game and the most conspicuous of any individual on the Bethlehem Steel field this season.
A report current that Tom Whelan, the visitors’ goal tender, would probably return to Bethlehem was denied. Whelan was here and expressed a desire to return but if he should he would be unable to play, being signed with the shipbuilders for the season.
Only a handful of fans were present to witness the game Saturday. This, however, was due to the inclement weather conditions and kept many fans away.
Merchant Ship A soccer team will remember their second round American Cup game with Disston A. A. played in the rain, mud and fog on the Tacony baseball field Saturday, for it required the hardest kind of playi8ng by the Harriman ship plant stars to score the goal which permitted them to advance into the third round of the historic challenge cup series.
The soccer team of the New York Shipbuilding Company jumped into undisputed possession of first place in the Delaware River Shipyard League by defeating the Harlan combination at Third street and Lehigh avenue, Sunday 7 goals to 6.
Losing to Bethlehem should not discourage Merchant Team B. IT is a young team and will get there provided the players stick together. They have already proved themselves one of the best amateur teams in the country and can probably lick any other eleven American-born players.