The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, December 17, 1918
Soccer Notes

On Sunday the Bethlehem Steel soccer team will travel to Bayonne, N. J., to play Babcock & Wilcox F. C. in a National League game. This will be the first league game played by Bethlehem in eight weeks and it is possible that league games will be the order for the next few weeks in an effort to catch up with the schedule. Negotiations are under way to bring Haverford College to Bethlehem next Saturday to play the Reserve team and if the Haverfordians can come here a good game ought to be witnessed.

Jimmy Wilson played a good game at right back for the steel workers last Saturday. Jimmy is a veteran at the game and makes up in judgment what he lacks in speed.

Bob Millar proved to the Bethlehem fans that he is far from being a "has been" and if he continues to play as he did last Saturday it will be difficult to keep him off the team.

The Steel Workers will be without the services of Jimmy Campbell next Sunday at Bayonne and position will be hard to fill. Jimmy is easily the best center half in this country and the fans will be glad to see him back in football togs.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club