The Globe -- Bethlehem
Wednesday, December 17, 1919
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Will Soccer Be Represented
Frequent reference is made to the brand of soccer played in this country as being inferior to the game played in England and Scotland. Time and again this discussion has arisen and quite frequently authorities call attention to the fact in press criticism. When the Bethlehem Steel team invaded Canada and beat the Dominion's best and then went to Sweden where they garnered international honors, it was hoped the teams in this country would receive a different rating but still there are many prophets who profess that the game played in Europe is far better and that a picked American team would hardly have a chance. These critics apparently overlook the fact that during the past two or three years the game has developed in leaps and bounds and there are many persons associated with the American clubs that resent and take exception to these prophesies. Just how strong the European teams really are could easily be determined by having an American entry in the Olympic games to be held in Antwerp next summer. The Belgian committee announce a six months' program for the 1920 classic and during this period every branch of sport will be represented. Every country in the world where soccer is fostered will be represented, including the so-called invincible English and Scottish clubs and it might be well if the United States Football Association took notice and at the close of next season mustered together a team of the pick of players in this country to represent America. Talking about comparative scores, the American team that went to Sweden, could claim honors as great as those of their English rivals. The year previous, it is believed, it was the strongest English teams that invaded the lair of the Swedes and pitted against the same clubs with practically the same players, made no better showing than that of the American team.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club