The Right Man in the Right Place
In signing Oellerman, a former St. Louis player, Bethlehem Steel F. C., after much experimenting this season has apparently found the right man to alternate in the position with "Bill" Highfield, the regular goalie. In fact it seems that Oellerman in his brief sojourn as a member of the local team seems to have made a more favorable impression than even the reliable Highfield for he was given preference in the important game against Fall River on Saturday afternoon. A baseball player in summer, Oellerman resorts to the use of his hands as much as any other part of his body in guarding the citadel and once in the game on Saturday heaved the ball with his hands for a distance as great as probably a good many goalies could kick it. Not only does the newcomer appear capable of guarding the citadel but with his apparent confident manner, unassuming, however, and peppy display on the field. He is the type of player that takes strongly with the fans and if Oellerman elects to stay we predict that he will have a big year with the Bethlehems. It was something new to hear a goalie chirping and coaching his teammates on. And that is just what Oellerman was guilty of doing, urging on his teammates with complimentary remarks and coaching with the familiarity of addressing each and everyone of the players by his first name, as though he had been a member of the clan for several years instead of only a few days. This part of the game is no doubt contributed by the national diamond pastime and sums up as a valuable adjunct in waging the sport. Fans will turn out some more and we predict even larger numbers to see this fellow Oellerman and the remainder of the celebrities who sport the colors of the Bethlehem team.
Maxwell in Brilliant Form
Tom Maxwell, the Bethlehem forward, gave probably the most brilliant display of soccer on Saturday afternoon since joining the team at the start of last season. It was a Maxwell day and Tom did not fail to take advantage in Bethlehem's most important game of the season thus far. The elusive inside left was never seen better and the marvelous way in which he handled the ball made him a terror to visiting backs. In fact he was prominent in practically every forward movement of the Bethlehems in the opening half and in no less than half of these attacks contributed in initiating the movement. His range of distance was prefect and seldom did a Maxwell pass get anywhere else but to the target to which t he ball was intended. In Bethlehem's lone tally, it was Maxwell who initiated the movement that materialized into a goal. In selecting one individual as surpassing his previous the play of any other member of the team for in coordination they dovetailed perfectly, every man with an apparent, thorough understanding of what the other fellow was doing or going to do. In this machine-like operation was reflected a league winning team if not a team that will close the season for the National Cup honors.
Many New Fans Converted to Game
Saturday's game was just the ideal sort of contest to convert the sports follower to the sport and many there were among the attendants who witnessed their first soccer game. It was a game chuck full of thrills and even the casual observer was swayed by the enthusiasm which prevailed. However, nothing less could be expected with the going intensive at all times. By the attendance and gradual increase in every game thus far this season it was readily apparent interest is being revived and that eventually Bethlehem can probably boast of entertaining crowds as big as at other cities in the circuit. The process of interesting the fans is slow but once the foundation is established, Bethlehem should no longer need go begging for support in fostering one of the leading if not the leading soccer teams in the country. The interest manifest is encouraging and surely worthy of the efforts of those who fostering the outdoor winter pastime.
National Cup Game Christmas Day Afternoon
The fourth round National Cup game is carded for the Steel Field Christmas Day afternoon and for this attraction Bethlehem has drawn no less formidable opponent than the New York F. C., the only club successful in defeating the Bethlehems this season. The New Yorkers are not only contenders for the cup affair but likewise are running neck and neck with the leading clubs in every competition of importance in the country. However, before this game Bethlehem goes to the post in a league contest next Saturday afternoon and for the fourth time this season will meet the Philadelphia F. C. Not the Philadelphia F. C. against which the Steel Workers coped successfully but a club that has been reorganized with the acquisition of several new players and upset all dope when a week ago the Quakers defeated the New York F. C. by the score of one goal to none. The Quakers have a lot to avenge in Bethlehem and will no doubt make a determined effort to gain the distinction of stropping the Bethlehems in their drive of consecutive wins to the big league soccer laurels.