Now that the team has again struck its stride Nat Agar's Brooklyn Wanderers will be in for no mild game when they come to Bethlehem for a league squabble on the home grounds next Saturday afternoon. If anything the changes of the stormy petrel of major league soccer will stack up against probably the strongest club possible for Bethlehem to present. With the exception of the fullback department it will be a team near intact and insofar as the backs are concerned there is little need of worry for Bob McGregor, halfback, has been playing the position equally well as he does his regular berth. Allan and Gibson, the regular backs, are still indisposed and little hope is held out for their return this weekend.
Bethlehem has produced another star in Tommy Fraser, goalie, who made his debut in American soccer this season. The newcomer has participated in few games but already he is being lauded throughout the circuit as the sensation of the league.
The Bethlehem goalie, who alternates with Andy Beveridge, another guardian of first string caliber, is fully recovered from his injury and will most likely be seen in action against Brooklyn.
According to the schedule announced for the week Bethlehem will have but one game. However, the homesters are booted for a tilt on Christmas Day afternoon but this game will not interfere with the plans of the Lehigh Valley Soccer League to play their inter-County clash on Lehigh Field, for the game is against the New York Giants on the latter's field. Bethlehem will appear at home in a holiday attraction against Hakoah on New Year's Day afternoon.