The Globe -- Bethlehem
Tuesday, December 18, 1917
Soccer Notes

Percy Andrews, "Connie" Lynch, "Tommy" Fisher and "Dick" Spalding, all of Disstons, have been selected on the New York-Pennsylvania team, which meets the pick of New Jersey in a benefit match for the Red Cross, at Newark, N. J., New Year's afternoon.

Provided the wintry weather continues, Manager Bedford, of Disstons, announces that the grounds at Disstons' Ball Park will be put in shape so that there will be no let-up with the American National cup and league matches in the future.

Will Ratican and Murphy in the forward line, Bethlehem looks stronger than since the opening of the season. This pair seems to put the necessary dash into the players besides being both exceptionally good players.

Manager William Sheridan, of the Bethlehem soccer team, is getting good work out of his players since he issued the ultimatum that every man must play to hold his position. This is the right way and should result in future in Bethlehem being one of the hardest teams in the country to beat.

Determined efforts will be made to have the Bethlehem Steel Co. field cleared of snow for the big league soccer game with Disston on Christmas Day. The Steel Workers are anxious to get back at the team that gave them the only setback of the year, and are keeping in the best of condition with this end in view. Since the Red Cross benefit game on Franklin field, Philadelphia, the spirits and confidence of the team have been of a high order and if the Sawmakers hope to win they will have to give a display of soccer better than anything seen here this years.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club