That is the price Josef Eisenhoffer, rated as one of the foremost players in the booting profession, must pay for the privilege of resuming his playing with the Brooklyn Wanderers against Bethlehem in the Atlantic Coast League game scheduled here on Saturday afternoon.
By the edict of President Armstrong Patterson of the United States Football Association, Eisenhoffer was fined $500 and declared a free agent. As a necessary preliminary to rendering his decision President Patterson required both the Brooklyn Wanderers and the New York Hakoahs to surrender their claims on the player's services.
This both clubs did, but hardly had the matter been smoothed out and Eisenhoffer declared a free agent before Nat Agar was on the job and had his signature attached to a new form which makes him eligible for the league games this weekend.
The case of Eisenhoffer and the legal entanglements involved is readily recalled. Hakoah claimed him as its property after Eisenhoffer had been lured to the Agar camp. Courts were appealed to to decide the issue and then when harmony was effected between the former outlaw league and organized soccer the matter was taken out of the courts and submitted to the National body for disposition. Eisenhoffer, a well-known star, had been suspended for the last fifteen weeks and his return to the game will be welcomed by soccer fans.
Brooklyn cannot boast of being one of the top notch teams in the league standing at this date in campaigning, but they do boast of a team equal to the best in the league and comparable records more or less bear out this rating. Insofar as Bethlehem is concerned, no matter what comparison basis is adhered to, the answer finds the Brooklyn boys on an even par. This is true in goals scored against, but more particularly in the recent game of last Sunday when Brooklyn held New Bedford to a one-goal draw and the latter had previously defeated Bethlehem, 2 to 0.
Anticipating a hard clash a big training session is on tap for the Steelmen this afternoon after which it will be determined just what players will be available for the games. It is hoped that Johnny Jaap, who has been on the shelf with injury for several weeks, will be in condition and, if he is, Bethlehem will be able to field a forward line of regulars intact of the first time in a good many weeks. A forward line which with Stark, Gillespie, Massie and Purgavie, should provide no little worry for the Brooklyn defense.