The Globe -- South Bethlehem
December 20, 1916

The draw for the third round of the American cup was held in the Continental hotel, Newark, N. J., last Saturday and resulted as follows:

New York F. C. vs. Bethlehem Steel Co. Game to be played in New York, Jan. 28.

Clan MacDonald F. C. vs. Continental. Game to be played in Brooklyn, N. Y.

Babcock and Wilcox vs. West Hudson. Game to be played at Bayonne, N. J.

Jersey City vs. Brooklyn Celtic. Game to be played in Jersey City.

The winner will enter the semifinal of the American cup series.

Word has been received from St. Louis that the St. Louis football association has decided to play an all-star team against the Bethlehem Steel company aggregation, Sunday, December 24. On Monday, December 25, the Ben Miller team, leader of St. Louis, will tackle the United States champion.

The local players are undertaking a severe task in playing three of the strongest teams in the West on three successive days.

Arrangements have been made for the playing of the second round National Cup game with Brooklyn Celtic, Jan. 5. This game was postponed last Saturday because of the unplayable conditions of the grounds.

Dick Spalding, the big fullback, is in fine condition and will join the team Thursday for the trip west.

Announcement has been made by the Bethlehem Steel company athletic committee that the team and the officials will leave Bethlehem, Thursday morning for Chicago, where the team will play the All-Stars, on the White Sox ball grounds. They will leave Chicago immediately after the game for St. Louis where the previously mentioned games will be played.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club