The Globe -- Bethlehem
December 20, 1917
Soccer Notes
Bethlehem Steel are making a great effort to have the field cleared for the National League game with Disston on Christmas Day, and with favorable conditions a big crowd ought to be on hand to see this game. Manager Bedford of Disston states that his team is confident they will be able to once more lower the colors of the Steel Workers, basing his opinion on the fact that weather conditions were ideal at Tacony when Disston defeated Bethlehem. The Steel Workers have little to say in the matter contenting themselves with getting in the best possible condition, and are quietly waiting the referee's whistle to set the game in motion. Everyone realizes that this game has a very important bearing on the final league standing, so that the local team can be depended upon to pay every minute of the entire game with the same determination that was the outstanding feature of the Red Cross game in Philadelphia.
Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club