The Globe -- Bethlehem
December 20, 1918
When The Soccer Whistle Blows
By Sita Dell

According to an announcement appearing in a Philadelphia paper this morning, the Steel Workers, National and American Champions, will tackle the New York Ship team of the Delaware River Shipyard League in Philadelphia on New Year Day. All arrangements, it is said have been completed between Manager Bowe of the shipbuilders and Manager Sheridan. Advice from the local officials would indicate that again soccer interests other than those locally are taking too much for granted and that negotiations for this game are pending but has not been definitely decided. Like the Pacific Coast trip, it was made definite by these foreign interests when in fact at the time the announcement was made it was already decided to call off the game. In the recent game with the New York Ship, Manager Bowe prevailed upon the local management that it would be in justice to his players on a field other than at Bethlehem and he was informed that his wish would readily be acceded to if it could be properly arranged. Since then negotiations were started for a game on New Year Day and although there is a possibility for the contest it is very small. Disston has also asked for a game on this date and would be considered were the Steel Workers available for an exhibition game.

Manager Sheridan stated this morning that the game was not certain and in fact did not believe that it would take place on the date mentioned. No action can be taken in the matter until following the meeting of the National League and New Jersey Football Association in Newark tomorrow night when it is expected that the National League secretary will order the Steel Workers to play a postponed game. Manager Sheridan, who is the representative of the National League in the New Jersey Association, will attend both meetings. Owing to the influenza epidemic the schedule, has been greatly delayed and since there are quite a few games to be made up, it is more than likely that on New Year Day the Steel Workers will be in action against a National League team.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club