The Globe -- Bethlehem
Thursday, December 20, 1923
A Swing Along Athletic Row

Soccer Hostilities On the Steel Field
For once this season soccer will command exclusive interest when on Saturday afternoon the Bethlehem F. C. meets the J & P Coats eleven, of Pawtucket, R. I., in the only major sport attraction scheduled in the Lehigh Valley. And the game is befitting of its exclusiveness for the Rhode Island eleven invades Bethlehem not only reputed as one of the foremost clubs for soccer honors but includes among its personnel former Bethlehem players who while sporting the colors of the Steel Workers were popular favorites with the local fans. The contest is an American League game and will be followed on Christmas Day afternoon with the important National Cup competition in which Bethlehem is drawn to meet the New York F. C., in the fourth round.

Chance to Compare Merit
When Fall River with its bevy of former Bethlehem players opposed the locals in this city last Saturday, followers of soccer had their first opportunity of comparing the respective merit of the individuals of these two clans and it is needless to say that the present Bethlehem celebrities made quite a favorable impression with the fans. So much so in fact that many who witnessed the game left the field confident that Bethlehem will be in the running when the laurels are distributed at the close of the season. Rivalry was keen and one might say a bit bitter, a condition that will also exist when the Coats eleven invade this city. While individual dueling will command the attention of the soccer enthusiasts one of the Coats stars in particular who will bear close watching is none other than Tommy Fleming, the speedy wingman. Critics contend that Fleming with his great accuracy in placing his parting shots makes him a terror when in the vicinity of the goal. Judging by his record thus far this season, Fleming is far from being through as a player but instead seems to be traveling with even more effectiveness than he did when he sported the colors of the local clan.

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club