Globe-Times -- Bethlehem
Friday, December 20, 1929
Stark and Eisenhoffer, Two Great Shots in Action Here on Saturday.

Two great shots will vie for honors, Archie Stark, Bethlehem's brilliant center forward, and Josef Eisenhoffer, inside left and Brooklyn ace, when these two teams collide Saturday in what promises to be one of the most thrilling and exciting Atlantic Coast League games played here this season.

Stark, usually at the top of the standing of individual scoring, enjoys the unique experience of seeing his name among the missing thus far but this reason might be attributed to his long absence due to injury which forced him into idleness for a number of games.

On the other hand in scanning the list of the high individual scorers, the name Eisenhoffer is also among the missing, due to the fact that in the game against Bethlehem on Saturday he becomes eligible to play for the first time in the new league and a privilege which came only after he had paid a $500 fine meted out by the president of the U. S. F. A.

Another interesting contrast insofar as individuals are concerned will be the work of the custodians. Bethlehem will have Tommy Fraser, proclaimed in Fall River as the greatest of goalkeepers, between the uprights while the veteran Smith, a player whose accomplishments are well known in Bethlehem, will defend for the visitors.

The left side of the visitors' line is the one that promises to give Bethlehem the most trouble for in addition to Eisenhoffer, the Wanderers have the great and speedy little Bobby Yule playing the wing forward.

The homesters will take the field with practically the same team that defeated Pawtucket last Saturday and the day following played a 3-goal draw at Fall River. It was hoped that Johnny Jaap, clever inside right, might be available by Saturday, but after the training yesterday it was definitely ascertained that Jaap is not yet fit and absent with him will also be Billy Allen and Gibson, a pair of backs.

While the later could be used to good advantage, Bethlehem is fortunate in having a player of the caliber of the veteran Bob McGregor, a halfback, who has proven quite capable in a fullback position. McGregor will be paired off with McDonald, a regular fullback.

The probable lineup of the teams follows:

Bethlehem -- Brooklyn
Fraser -- G -- Smith
McDonald -- RFB -- Grosz
McGregor -- LFB -- McAdam
Reid -- RHB -- Brown
Carnihan -- CHB -- McGuire
Pitt -- LHB -- Kovachi
Gillespie -- OR -- Braun
Dick -- IR -- Devlin
Stark -- CF -- Nehadoma
Massie -- IL -- Eisenhoffer
Purgavie -- OL -- Yule

Bethlehem Steel Soccer Club