Soccer fans will be given a rare treat next Saturday afternoon for the Bethlehems management, at considerable expense, has induced the Hibernian soccer team of Philadelphia to come to Bethlehem next Saturday. This should be the game of the season as the Hibs is considered one of the greatest soccer teams in the country. The local club has played Hibs only once and that was earlier this season in Philadelphia on the Hibs' grounds. Hibernian led Bethlehems 1 goal to 0 to within the last 10 minutes of play, when Millar equalized. The game ending 1-1.
In the American league race both clubs are tied for first place and Saturday's game is sure to be a hummer. The game will be called promptly at 3 p.m. Bethlehems promises to use its strongest possible line-up. All members of the team will be put through special training this week.
Efforts are being made to induce Holyoke, Mass., transfer its third round American Cup game with Bethlehems and if arrangments canbe made satisfactory, fans will be promised another star attraction.