Soccer Champions Again Manhandled
The reign of terror spread by the Bethlehem champions in their crusade during the last two or three years is apparently at an end. Either that or the "Billy" Sheridan combination is jinxed in their National League campaigning. Sunday a week ago, the New York F. C. registered the first defeat over the champions this season close on the heels comes a defeat in their start against the Erie A. A, played yesterday afternoon at Kearney, N. J. Fortunately both these defeats have been administered in National League games and will have no bearing on the award of the American championship. However, Bethlehem should fully realize that every other team in the country is out after its scalp and must pull together before a National or American cup competition is staged. One defeat in either of these competitions will mean the elimination of the champions and that the laurels in the possession of the Bethlehem team will be transferred elsewhere. These two defeats will serve to greater encourage other opponents, particularly those who have been victorious over the two winning clans. The defeat hardly came as a surprise to the local management although when the team left it was more or less confident of victory. The game was played on Clarke's Field, the soccer lot that on which all visiting teams dread to play. It is long and narrow with the spectators nearly crowd on top of the players. It practically means that a team like Bethlehem, with its excellent playing field, must adopt an entirely new system of play to make their work effective. The same applies to all other teams that are favored with playing facilities similar to those enjoyed here.
Champions for the Year
In the long list of championships, both amateur and professional, Bethlehem is represented in only one branch of sport. With the closing of the old years the files are usually due up and the successful entrants in all branches of sport are compiled. The championship referred to is in soccer, held by the Bethlehem F. C., holders of the national American challenge cup.